Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can be used in many strengths to improve skin pigment problems and sun damage.
Superficial or "light" peels involve little recovery and many people return to work immediately after treatment. Medium and deep chemical peels require several days of downtime but provide more benefit. Both Dr. William and Patrick Coleman can design a chemical peel approach that is best for your skin.

Beware of peels with names attached (red peel, super peel, etc.). These are just marketing gimmicks and may have severe side effects. They are often used by doctors or assistants with little training in peeling. Chemical peeling is a serious procedure and you should choose an expert to perform your peel.

Dr. Coleman has written articles and book chapters on chemical peeling, taught peels at numerous medical meetings, and is considered an authority on this procedure by his peers.

Before and Afters

Before Chemical Peel Face After Chemical Peel Face
Before After

Before Chemical Peel Chest procedure After Chest Chemical Peel
Before After