KYBELLAŽ New Orleans

The Drs. Coleman were part of the original research team which lead to the approval of KYBELLA®, the only FDA approved injectable that treats moderate to severe submental fullness, or “double chin.” Kybella® is derived from deoxycholic acid,a naturally occurring acid in the body that, when injected under the chin,destroys unwanted pockets of fat that may have developed due to weight gain, genetics or aging. Because the fat cells are permanently destroyed, they can no longer accumulate or store fat, producing long lasting results with no upkeep needed.

Drs. William and Patrick Coleman are both highly trained and experienced dermatologists who will determine the number of  treatments needed based on the submental fullness of each patient and their aesthetic goals. The procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes depending on the number of injections to be administered. The results are a pronounced reduction of fat under the chin visible after 2 to 4 Kybella® treatments.

Both Drs. Coleman also use Kybella® on other parts of the body including bra fat.

Having fullness under the chin can make individuals appear heavier or older than they are and may persist through dieting and exercise efforts. A double chin can make individuals self-conscious about taking photos and can damage self-esteem. If you are bothered by the fullness under your chin and wish to seek out non-surgical options, you may be a candidate for Kybella®.

To learn more about Kybella®and if you are a good candidate for treatment, contact The Coleman Center for Cosmetic Dermatology today to schedule a consultation!

Before and Afters

Before Kybella treatment